The Holocaust
The Ten stages of Genocide, The Camps, The people and Remembering.
The Ten stages of the Holocaust
The Ten stages of Genocide
From the Holocaust memorial trust
1. Classification
The differences between people.
2. Symbolisation
The Visual manifestation of hatred
3. Discrimination
No Jews allowed!
4. Dehumanisation
Rats, Vermin and Parasites!
5. Organisation
The time line, people and meetings.
6. Polorisation
Focus on hate
7. Preperation
Plans drawn, tickets booked!
8. Persecution
From Home to Ghetto to Camp
9. Extermination
Mass Murder
10. Denial
The denial of the Holocaust and genocide
Holocaust Studies
Every stone has its story
Camp of Death
House of the Wannsee conference
The Devil is in the detail
National Holocaust Centre
The most notorious camp
Platform 17
“The next train arriving on platform 17”
The one that started it all